Minggu, November 18, 2018

Hello again!

Oh. My. God.
Baru sadar sepanjang saya berumur 24 tahun, saya nggak nulis sama sekali di blog ini..
Sedih dengan inkonsistensi diri ini (halah) 😢

Oh yes, I am 25 now! Some people say this is the brightest age of all so I better don't waste this time (which leads me to so many insecurities huhu.. let's talk about this later), some say I'm still so young and still long way to go (insya Allah kalau diberkahi umur panjang), while others say I'm now getting old and keep telling me to get married soon.. Ha-ha. Well thankfully I learn the hard way to be selective when it comes to what I should listen to. Kadang butuh pengalaman hidup emang ye untuk memahami nasihat-nasihat yang terdengar klise seperti "don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.."

Wonder why I suddenly nongol di sini? I had diagnosed with thypoid fever dan suddenly harus bedrest for days. The feeling of nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain is really killing me.. Tiduran terus nggak enak, kebanyakan gerak keliyengan. Serba salah. Ngeliat HP atau laptop aja nggak bisa lama-lama, dikit-dikit kudu rest dulu. Literally jadi reminder for me to be more aware kalau badan udah ngasih sinyal-sinyal drop, since seumur-umur baru kali ini kena tipes 😔

First of all. I wanna say sorry to all of you who tried to reach me while I was away. Whoever you are, thank you for giving such motivation for me to keep organizing my tangled thoughts into words (duile, gaya amat 😂). It's quite surprising sih, knowing that many people still actually write and read blogs.. while I thought semua orang udah beralih ke vlog. Honestly melihat perkembangan teknologi saat ini, mau nggak mau saya yang basically gaptek ini akhirnya juga memutuskan untuk nggak mau ketinggalan.. (stay tune for my upcoming project ya!) But that doesn't mean saya akan berhenti menulis for sure.

Promise to write again when I've done compromising with this body. Hope you all are in a good health 💓